People for Reason in Science and Medicine

Pro-Health, Pro-Environment, Anti-Vivisection

About Us

We must explain to you how all seds this mistakens idea off denouncing pleasures and praising pain was born and I will give you a completed accounts off the system and expound the actually teaching of the great explorer ut of the truth, the master builder of human happiness.
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68 Smithfield Avenue,
+ (01) 735 264 9870

Sandra Bell - Secretary/Treasurer

Sandra Bell has limitless energy and a zest for life that is clearly the result of having been a vegetarian since birth and a vegan since the mid eighties. As a child her talent as a dancer was clearly evident and she went on to study in New York and have a successful career in ballet. Marriage and motherhood pointed her life in another direction and being fortunate enough to know the dangers of vaccines she resisted the pressure from the medical monopoly to vaccinate her baby and the result is a very healthy, handsome son who grew up without suffering the usual vaccine-caused childhood afflictions. Sandra then began networking with others as committed to natural health as she and through much reading and research her self-education continued and expanded. She realized that all the various environmental, health and anti-drug/vaccine groups were committed to a common goal and were working on what seemed like different issues but were actually interconnected pathways to the same goal. When she became aware of the role that animal experimentation and testing plays in damaging human health, she joined an anti-vivisection organization and developed her leadership qualities. She devoted herself to educating the public regarding the fraud perpetrated by the bio-medical empire and helped organize huge demonstrations and press conferences. She and several other health advocates, founded PRISM and immediately published several booklets and other educational materials. The formation of PRISM has finally put all the pieces of the puzzle together in one organization. Sandra still has a passion for dance and works part-time as a choreographer and dance teacher but most of her energy is spent on health and environmental issues which is the focus of her life.

Suzanne Matthews, R.N. - Board Member

Suzanne Matthews has been a registered nurse for over 36 years, having worked in Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles and now Martha's Vineyard. Somehow she also managed to indulge her passion for pursuits as varied as figure skating, ballroom dancing, flamenco guitar, playing the violin, and as if that didn't keep her busy enough, somehow found time to play tournament poker. While living in Los Angeles, Suzanne became a vegan and devoted her time and effort to the rescue and adoption of homeless animals. In the 1980's she joined the anti-vivisection movement and learned of the fraud of animal experimentation from the documentary Hidden Crimes. In her desire to share her knowledge with others, she became a founding member of PRISM and has since dedicated her life to educating the public and her fellow health professionals regarding the harm humans suffer as a result of animal testing. Suzanne is now gradually making the transition toward eating only raw foods, a diet she considers the ultimate in promoting health and limitless energy, and that is something about which Suzanne is certainly an expert!

Dr. Deborah Goldsmith - D.C., A.P., D.O.M.

"Dr. Deborah Goldsmith, along with Sandra Bell is one of the two founders of PRISM. She, Sandra and PRISM supporters were active in efforts to prevent the Los Angeles water supply from being poisoned by fluoridation, she led protests against the destruction by developers of urban wildlife areas, and is an excellent and very knowledgeable debater regarding vivisection/vaccine, natural health and environmental issues. She has her chiropractic practice in her home state of Florida.


Paul Borraccia – Director Los Angeles Chapter of Citizens for Safe Drinking Water

Alix Fano – M.A. Urban and Environmental Policy, Author LETHAL LAWS, Green Schools Consultant

Howard Lyman – “The Mad Cowboy”, Fourth Generation Rancher, Vegan, Author and Speaker

John Pierre – Nutritionist and Fitness Consultant

Captain Paul Watson – Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, Activist, Environmentalist, Author, Lecturer